App Features

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We want to help everyone who think they have no time for/no idea about fitness to achieve their goal. Because you have the ambitious goal to build muscle, lose fate and just feel overall better, but where do you start?

With our online workouts and coaching we help you reach your goal. We offer live monthly workout programs that you can do in the gym, follow-along video's to do at home and the best tasting meal plans in town.

Workout- and meal plans

A varied customized meal plan, workouts that help you towards your goal and online check-in with your trainer for some of that extra motivation.


What to expect? In 6 weeks...

✓ Lose an average of 3% fat

✓ Gain up to 2.5 kg of muscle mass

✓ Feel fit, toned and above all: confident!

This program is currently not available, inform about our current options by sending an email to

Online Personal Training

A Personal Trainer at home is only for celebs, right? Wrong! With our online 1-on-1 sessions you get all the benefits of expert guidance, from the comfort of your own home. Don't worry about not having enough equipment or space, we can come up with a plan that fits your goals AND your home.


Want to know more about online PT? Send us a message (Dutch or English).